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An initiative of Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan's Sardar Patel Institute of Technology

Sardar Patel Technology Business Incubator

Supported by Department of Science and Technology - Government of India
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Sardar Patel Technology Business Incubator

Supported by Department of Science and Technology - Government of India


The programme makes incubation accessible to all startups across the country without barriers or geographical boundaries. The programme is designed to meet every component of physical incubation and make it cost-effective for every startup. The programme creates the optimal environment for startups to scale up by providing support in the form of Virtual incubation and Flexi-Virtual Incubation to help them grow by connecting the startup with our webinars, events and widespread network of mentors, who are investors, accelerators and industry veterans. Although it's a Virtual incubation programme, SP-TBI allows a startup to use the office space & labs.
  • Meeting Rooms : 10 Hours a Month
  • Hot Desk : 3 Days a month

Facilities Provided

Who is Eligible to Apply

  • Tech Startups
  • Aspiring Tech Startups

Process of evaluation

  • First Stage
    For the first stage of screening, the information provided in the application will be evaluated.
  • Second Stage
    The founder will be evaluated on Team Capabilities and Relevance of Experience in the second stage, which will entail a telephonic or physical encounter. Stage/type of product, business proposition, size of the opportunity, and so on.
  • Final Stage
    The steering committee members, which include the Chief Executive Officer and Higher Management, will preside over the final selection stage.